Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I Made a Quilt Top

My latest quilt top is a copy of one Heather, fellow Monday Mondernist, showed us back in summer.

Heather's version is a development of Quilting in the Rain's Home Sweet Home quilt.

This quilt starts out as a simple nine-patch, which is then cut into quarters and re-assembled.

I trialed some ideas for the finishing fabrics. They weren't quite right, so I visited Ribbon Rose at Mt Wellington and found some green spot. I love green and love spots. Perfecto!

Thanks to Heather's maths for the quarter square border!

Another one for the waiting-to-be-quilted pile. I might call it one quarter of nine or quarter to nine or quarter past nine. Decisions, decisions.


  1. It's lovely Karyn! And the spot is the perfect border.

  2. I love this, I think I'd be scared to cut my blocks though, in case they didn't match nicely when I put them together!!

  3. I love that spot edge, it ties in so well with the other spots. Good choice.
