Thursday, March 26, 2020

How quickly things change | Day 1

I spent last Saturday doing my school work for the week ahead. Sunday happily sewing my Treehouse Textiles Sunflower cushion. Monday lunchtime we watched the Prime Minister announce the country was going into full lockdown by midnight Wednesday. The last two days at school, without learners, were weird. I almost felt teary at the conclusion of our google meet Wednesday lunchtime with our boss (who was already in self-isolation after returning from overseas) and then again driving out of school and seeing the go home, stay home, school closed sign. I did a last minute shop at Spotlight after fearing I may run out of thread and machine needles. Priorities. (I can live on eggs, weetbix and toast for a while I reckon!) I also took the opportunity to buy some batting for the FWSG quilt ... not that I have any backing fabric. However, I feel much better today after not listening to the news/radio all day (Day 1 of the lockdown) and unfollowing people who post drama and rubbish. I plan to do some sewing most days, as I do in my usual weekends and holidays.

I have been working on the Treehouse Textiles sunflower cushion for the last three weekends. It's been years since I did applique and made hexagons! I noticed how much my close up eye sight has deteriorated in that time. It was a bit of stab in the dark with the needle sometimes.

I will add a little bit more hand quilting and then the top is done.

One of the things on my grateful list today is the warmth from the sun. It was a beautiful morning. I am very glad we are not locked down in the middle of winter when it's cold, dark and rainy.

I have decided I am going to use the next four weeks to learn to run. I quite like the idea of running - no idea why. Never been a runner. Even as a kid I was slow. So I started this morning. Thought I would get to the top of the road and be puffed and have to stop. But I stuck with it for 3.35km up the road and back. The last 500m are downhill. I am pretty stoked with that effort. My plan is to run that distance for the next five days and then add maybe 500-ish metres for the following five days, etc, etc. I would like to get to 5km. I will see how that goes.

On my run this morning I saw eight people out walking (just one had a dog), one man exercising on his front lawn, one young man in hi-vis gear waiting for the bus and an older chap out jogging. There were several cars out and about and truck-trailer units on the motorway.

I have also decided I am going to live like the ancestors and get up with the sunrise and go to bed with the sunset. Keeping it simple.

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