Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hexagons and Navy Work

It's not good photography weather at the moment. It's either dark, raining or foggy. Not good for pin quilt to tree and take photo. But anyway, I had some time in the weekend to put into the hexie quilt. I am now at the stage of making more hexagons. I need to make some halves to square it up before I go too far with whole new hexies. I am about half way through the fabric, so it may grow by about one third which will suit me fine.

And I have done a few more letters on the Sublime Stitchery Sampler. Not in love with the J. It reminds me of writing with Mrs Nutt, my Standard 4 teacher. Clearly, I didn't excel at hand writing because I turned out a printer.

I am in no hurry to complete either project.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Hi Karyn, I'm just wondering what size are those Hexagons? They look tiny! they are perfect.

    1. Fortunately not tiny. 1 3/4 inches per side of each hexagon!

  2. Your hexagons look really good. What do you have in mind for the final product? I bet you guys had a field day with the name Mrs Nutt.

    1. It depends how big it gets and the gender of new niece/nephew due end of Sept. I am tempted to make it lap quilt size for me!

  3. What beautiful hexie flowers! You're doing such a fabulous job on choosing the colors and peicing them!

  4. Beautiful hexagons!! That fabric is amazing!! Vintage?

    1. Thanks, Erika. It's Kaffe Fassett, 2007. I have had it out away for awhile.

  5. Wow! That is going to be fabulous when it's finished. How big is it going to be? Bed-sized? Are you doing all the stitching by hand?

  6. At the biggest I think it will be lap sized. I have only 1/4 metre of the fabrics in my stash. Yes, all the stitching by hand. It's a good tv listening project!
