Monday, February 18, 2013

Modern Monday Bee Block

This month our bee blocks are for Carolyn. Carolyn's was the most challenging so far in that she was happy for us to improvise so long as our block was about 3/4 solid and 1/4 design, and we got the yellow canary in there. I am more of a pattern follower than a free-styler. Roll on google image search.

I found this great house block by sewtakeahike. Which goes together with lots of other blocks as part of the Travelling Quilts 'thing' to make this cool as quilt.

My roof didn't work out as well as I hoped. The points end up being cut off a bit. It possibly looks more like a rocket or an arrow than a house.

You can see Megan's block here, Melanie's here, and Heather's here. More will pop up over the next couple of weeks before our next Monday night gathering.

Carolyn's bee block made me think about my own that I need to have ready for May. I wonder now about going with a theme rather than a pattern. Decisions, decisions.


  1. That looks cool Karyn. It is great seeing the different things people are coming up with.

  2. Karyn this is great, it's a perfect interpretation of what I had in mind. I love it. Thank You.

  3. It's a great block Karyn - I really like it!

  4. I think it's my fave of the travelling quilts. Now, that's a cool idea!
