Sunday, October 23, 2016

I made an 'Adeline Dress'

I have been looking forward to Labour Weekend since the holidays! My holidays were spent working on a university assignment and then attending and presenting at a conference. When I was slogging through the same university assignment last weekend, the only upside was knowing that when it was finished I would have Labour Weekend free for sewing.

I ordered the Adeline Dress pattern from Style Arc before the hols. And I ordered a linen twill from the Fabric Store online.

You will have to trust me that it looks better on that hanging on a coat hanger on a tree!

It is a really good fit and a nice shape. I do think I would like it about 10 cm longer in the front though to get full knee coverage.

Since the hem facing was visible, I had the brainwave last night to make it a feature. Who can go past orange and brown - particularly if you were born in the 70s like I was (-: I had some Carolyn Friedlander leftover from my still partially quilted Botanics quilt so used that for the hem and back neck facings. I didn't have quite enough, so used a different fabric for the front neck facing.

The back hem facing doesn't sit super well. I unpicked the machine stitching and hand-sewed it. It still doesn't sit flat. I wonder if I cut it on the bias, it would sit better?

When I was searching for some interfacing, I found in the stash a navy and white linen mix, so will have another go ... maybe next Sunday as I have university on Saturday. Yeah, further study seemed like a good idea at the time.


  1. Maybe under stitching like this instead of top stitching the facings would work better? The dress looks good though, maybe you will be brave and model it for us?

  2. Love the little bits of extra colour on your facings! I used to sew clothes years ago - new dress for Saturday night - but not anymore!
