Thursday, October 19, 2017

... to Napier

Napier rose from the ashes literally after a massive 7.8 earthquake in February 1931. My late Nana was 14 in February 1931. Two stories she told were about saving the record player and one record, sitting on the side of the road and playing that record - 'Happy Days are Here Again' - and being told by a passerby that that song was not appropriate. She also told of sleeping outside in tents until the following Christmas.

Napier is now a popular spot for holiday makers and enjoys many visits from cruise ships over the summer months. It is word famous for its art deco architecture. I think the council, or whomever looks after such things, has done a lot of work over the last 5 - 10 years to get people onto the 'parade' with Ocean Spa, the national aquarium, the MTG, the pier that's not a pier and a very new playground.

The day I visited to take photos, it was a very sunny 20 degrees in early October. Typical Hawke's Bay weather!


  1. I am enjoying your photography exploration Karyn.

  2. Gorgeous photos and that perfect blue sky!! At least Auckland is putting on a perfect day today.
