Saturday, March 24, 2012

Machine Quilting

The walking foot for my Bernette still hasn't arrived - I could have just ordered it from the www with the amount of time it is taking. So I brought one of the school machines home for the weekend under the guise of learning how to use the walking foot for my i-extend group on Wednesdays.

This afternoon I have quilted my AMQG Challenge quilt. It probably took an hour and a half or so, but saved at least 8 hours of hand quilting. It's not perfect. But I think it's a pretty good first go. I am in awe of people who quilt quilts bigger than this tiny one on a regular sewing machine and do anything but straight lines.

I don't love the back - the stitching stands out a mile. Every single deviation from the straight line stands out! I should have used a different colour thread on the bottom so it blended better or not used a fabric from the stash for the backing. Next time.

1 comment:

  1. It's looking good Karyn - I see your cat is a bit like mine, can't keep their paws off anything freshly made!
