Saturday, September 19, 2015

Class with Kathy

I attended a Modern Wedge workshop with Kathy Doughty, of Material Obsession fame, at All Things Patchwork today. It's the first class with a 'famous' quilt maker I have attended and it was a good one to start with. It was a really informative, stress free and fun day.

I chose to begin Garden Party from Kathy's book - Making Quilts. We learnt about contrast during the first part of the morning so kept that in mind when choosing fabrics from the stacks we brought with us. It was great to have Kathy's guidance choosing fabrics, as I always default to same old, same old blue and green.

During the day I got three big flowers and one small flower made. I like them all lots. If I was forced to pic a fave it would be the pink and green one in the third photo.

At the moment I have a bit of a spot thing going on. I do love spots. However, in my next six fabric pairings only one involves spots.

If I had the opportunity to attend another class with Kathy, I definitely would.

Linda was also there. You should check out her story and pics.


  1. Love your blocks Karyn... my favorite is the 'blues' in pic #2. Oh I didn't see that last one at class - very clever!

  2. These are looking awesome - I love how the spots tie them all together, but they all have their own beauty. Great colour choices from you too.

  3. Great flowers, love the spots and your contrasts. I'm a fan of spotty fabrics, they fit in with so many quilts. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished quilt- no pressure there then!
