Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Gold Fold Quilt is Done

I started this quilt back in June before my sewing room (spare bedroom) became the pantry and storage room for four months during the house fix last year. As I said in my first blog post about this quilt, I was inspired by Margreth's quilt for Texas.So after a mere 7 months - which must be some kind of record for me - it's finished. And here are 14 photos to show it off -


It measures about 180 x 206cm. It's 3 cm longer on one side than the other. Oops. It's hand quilted with #8 Eleganza thread and backed with a 2013 Denyse Schmidt off the shelf. I bought maybe four fabrics to complete this quilt as I didn't have any white and blues, and everything else is off the shelf. I do like this quilt.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. I think the quilting has made it so much better.

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