This one came together so well, and relatively quickly outside of the stitchery, I briefly contemplated becoming a professional i-pad cover maker.
I have documented the steps below if you want to make your own. It struck me when I was re-organising my blog recently, how little showing of the process I do. I am trying to remedy that.
This project was homework for a new Modern Quilt group I have joined. Our next homework project is polaroid blocks just like here.
Step 1
Cut two rectangles of fabric for the outside about 24 cm x 28 cm.
Step 2
Cut a pocket about 24 cm (the same width as your outside pieces) x 21cm.
Step 3
I traced an apple (get it ... apple ... Apple i-pad) onto doublesided interfacing (whatever the fancy name for that is now) and cut out a red fabric apple. I ironed it on and then raw edged appliqued it to the pocket piece. I love this Little Red Riding Hood fabric.
Step 4
I typed up my words and downloaded a cooler font than was on my computer. Printed out the words. Traced them onto the pocket using a water soluble pen.
Step 5
I then ironed some interfacing onto the pocket (after first testing that the water soluble pen would not be 'set' with heat) - the interfacing just gives a bit more stability to the fabric when doing stitchery and has the added bonus of hiding threads when you run your thread between words.
Step 6
I used backstitch with 3 strands of dmc black.
Step 7
Once your pocket is fully decorated, fold the top over twice, iron it and stitch it down.
Step 8
Okey doke. Place one of your outside pieces, right side up. Place your completed pocket right side up on top of piece one. Lie the second outside piece, right down down on top of the pocket. Pin and stitch down one side, across the bottom and up the other side. The outside is now done.
Step 9
Cut two rectangles for the lining. These should measure about 23cm x 27cm - they need to fit inside the 'case' you have just finished.
Attach batting to each piece.
(If I was to make another one of these, I would attach the batting to the outside pieces rather than the lining.)
Step 10
Pin batted pieces right sides together. Pin. Sew with an approximate 1/4 inch seam down one side, across the bottom and up the otherside ... BUT ... you must leave a gap of at least 12cm on one long side so you can pull everything iside the right way at the end.
Step 11
I attached a small piece of batting to the inside of my outside case - so I could sew on the button. If I had attached the batting to this part, I wouldn't have needed to do this. Ack.
Step 12
Now it gets tricky. Your outside 'case' should be inside out. Your lining in the right way. Put the lining inside the outside case.
At this point, place your elastic (that will go around the button) like I have in the photo. If I had a hair tie I would have used that. Pin the lining and the outside together around the edge.
Step 13
Sew around the top.
Step 14
Put your hand inside the case and find the gap you left in the lining. Now ease the case through the lining so everything is now in the right way.
It will look like this if you have done it right.
Step 15
Whipstich closed the gap you left in the lining closed.
Step 16
Ease the lining back inside the case and voila! You are done. Good work.
that's so cute! just came over from all the entries to leave some linky love! would love for you to visit my blog & see what I made for Purse Palooza too!