Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Foxes, Owls and Hedgehogs in the 'hood

I have never seen a fox or an owl in real life. Although, I think there is a morepork (NZ's native owl) living in the forest because I hear him sometimes. A hedgehog prickle once caused a flat tyre on my ten speed bike. I know because I found the prickle when I was fixing the puncture in the tube. That was the last time I biked over a dead hedgehog on my way to school!

Anyway, all the 'houses' are made as much as they can be made until I decide what I am going to do for the background.

As I was laying them out on the floor, white came to me in a brainwave. All I would have to do to make white work, is make the roofs brown rather than white.

The upside of white is that I have some already and I won't have to search for the 'right' blue. The possible downsides - my white with yellow spots fabric might blend in too much so the house shape won't stand out, and the quilt won't be as colourful as it would with a nice blue. I also struggle with the impracticality of white in a baby quilt.

Decisions, decisions.

The winter (ie usually the rainy-est) school hols start at the end of this week. Yay. This one is on my to finish list.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Oh I do like these - I think white would look great! :)

    1. Yeah, I think I am leaning towards white too (-:

  2. Cute! I love the new pages that have appeared on the blog too!

  3. I love this Karyn! Gorgeous :-)

  4. I'm not allowed to comment because you know I'm trying to break my white habit and it would be hypocritical of me to recommend it to others. I will say however, that unless the kid is a power chucker the quilt won't get that dirty.

  5. That's going to be a really cute quilt :) I definitely agree that white would be good

  6. Another vote for white though (and this isn't helpful, I realize) a darker brown would stand out well too.

    Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday and have a wonderful week (holidays! yay!).

  7. That is going to be a fab quilt. And I'm another vote for going with white :)

  8. Oh what a cute quilt that's going to be! I bet it will be cherished no matter the backing colour!
