Saturday, September 7, 2019

When things don't go to plan

Back at the end of July I basted my drunkard's path wool quilt. I made it in 2012.

Then I started quilting and that's when things didn't go plan. The quilt is too thick to quilt. The stitches are hideous.

It's been sitting in the corner of the lounge waiting to be unbasted. What a waste of time! I am going to back it with flannel and have no batting.

The house fix is also not going to plan. It's week 16 of a 12 week project. 16 weeks ago the constant rain cost a few days, but most recently the discovery of asbestos in the glue of some old lino tiles held progress up by at least 10 days, and added another $9500 to the bill! I did suggest we just put something over the floor, but there were so many layers already, apparently this was not an option. In addition to the three floor coverings in the photos below, there were white ceramic tiles and most recently, faux wood lino tiles/strips.The floor had to be razor scraped and then ground back. This all happened after the room had been plastic sealed and negative air pressure created. It took less than two days to do the actual work, but then it had to be tested each day to check for random fibres.

Fortunately, work started again mid week, and the kitchen and laundry installation began. (It's week six without a kitchen or laundry.) The tiler is supposed to start on Monday (the wrong tiles were delivered at some stage too) and the drain layer is back later in the week to continue his work outside.

Three weeks until the holidays. Yay! I cannot wait for this fix to be over.

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