Saturday, March 28, 2020

Progress on the FWSG | Day 3

These pieces have been cut out for a few weeks. In the last few days I have been very easily distracted by the Proverbial Quilt, but not today.

There are just three wheels/sections to go which is probably about three days work as it takes a while to pick the fabrics and cut them. Sewing them together is probably the easiest and fastest part of the process.

Onto lockdown news - today started with Coach Corrina's circuit at 8.15am. Grateful the neighbours are in their other house as we are fenceless at the moment and their lounge looks right into my deck. That would not be a pretty sight for them. Grateful also for the equipment I took from the school gym before we closed.

Later this afternoon I went for a walk. Since the Botanic Gardens are closed, I did different route. A route that featured a very angry rottweiler! I was on the other side of the road and it was still very angry. Fortunately, it was behind a fence, but I won't be going that way again. Walking in the afternoon is a PITA - too many people out and about also walking (easily a dozen people), so you have to make an effort to avoid/social distance them. Everyone was very friendly. The 7.15am start is easier!

Strangely, I still haven't found time for any of the housework jobs on my list yet - other than sweeping the floor.

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